Front Page


I’ve moved to a self-hosted WordPress blog. All new content will be there. All poetry and prose will be moved over there as I get round to it.

Please come follow me there. You can follow me by email or RSS, I’m set up for both. I’d love to see some familiar faces.

Thanks for reading here. I’ve loved meeting you all, and I really hope that at least some of you will come with me.




Welcome to the home of Phoenix Rising.

This blog mostly deals with living with various mental health issues (hey, where are you going? Come back!). Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, always a struggle, life is definitely interesting when your brain works differently.

It’s not all about the struggle though. I love to write poetry, especially haiku. I love haiku! And there are writing challenges to play with, and short stories, and other bits and bobs like that too.

I’m also physically disabled, numerous conditions, one of which is spinal damage. A blown disc led to complications, so I use crutches and a wheelchair to get about. It also led to nerve damage, so I’m in chronic pain all the time, which believe me, gets bloody tedious! I do occasionally grumble about this, so be warned!

Come on in and visit my world. I’ll be happy to meet you.

Say something!